We empower parents to build skills in these areas:
Moving from Guilt and Shame to Self-Compassion
Managing the Stress in Healthy Ways
Growing Your Faith in the Midst of Caregiving
Strengthening Your Mental Health
Marriage and Parenting Children with Disabilities
Reorienting Your Marriage to New Expectations
In order to move forward together, married couples caring for children with special needs or disabilities must first recognize their difficult circumstances and the state of their marriage. They must grieve together for their disappointment and loss, accept their new life, and recommit to staying together on their unexpected journey. We guide couples through this process of creating new expectations through experiential exercises.
Tools to Strengthen Your Marriage While Caregiving
The stress of caregiving often strains marriages. It is vital that couples caring for a loved one with disabilities develop advanced relationship skills and coping strategies. In this workshop, the Evans will guide couples in building and applying five of the most important evidence-based tools needed to grow a resilient marriage.
Finding Joy on the Journey Together
Like hiking many miles each day, just getting to the destination can feel more pressing than stopping to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. In the midst of the daily stress, illnesses, and grief, finding joyful moments can be difficult. We teach couples ways they can intentionally foster acceptance, look for small blessings, and enjoy little special moments together throughout the day. We challenge couples to live in the present moment to the fullest.