Father’s Day is coming up, so we want to share resources that we’ve found just for Dads caring for children with disabilities. There are not as many resources specifically for dads, so we have compiled this list especially for you. We hope that you find it helpful. And tell us about any other resources that you know of so we can add them to the list!
1. Organizations
2. Podcasts

3. Online Support Groups/Retreats

The Dad’s Fire Circle holds online gatherings and helpful discussions about different topics.
Rising Above Ministries has a dads’ online small group community Bible studies and retreats.
Dads on Special Assignment (DOSA)
Joni & Friends holds single parent retreats and family retreats with men’s group meetings.
Special Needs and Disabilities Life of Dad FB Group
4. Blogs
The Additional Needs Blog Father by Mark Arnold
Autism From a Father’s Point of View by Stuart Duncan
15 Best Autism Dad Blogs and Websites
Resources Especially for Disability Dads Share on X5. Books

Common Man, Extraordinary Call: Thriving as the Dad of a Child with Special Needs by Jeff and Becky Davidson
Another Kind of Courage: God’s Design For Fathers Of Families Affected By Disability by Doug Mazza and Steve Bundy
Special Children, Blessed Fathers: Encouragement for fathers of children with special needs by Randy Hain
Different Dads: Father’s Stories of Parenting Disabled Children a collection of stories by fathers by Jill Harrison
Dads of Disability: Stories for, by, and about fathers of children who experience disability (and the women who love them) by Gary M Dietz
Autism from a Father’s Point of View by Stuart Duncan
What’s another resource that you know of? Please share it in the comments below!
Happy Father’s Day!
Todd and Kristin

Todd and Kristin have been married for twenty-one years and have two children with rare genetic disorders and complex needs. As award-winning authors and speakers, they’re passionate about empowering other parents of children with chronic illnesses and disabilities, as well as ministry leaders and professionals serving caregivers. They both earned their Masters in Christian Spiritual Formation at Wheaton College and have served together in fulltime ministry in church, camping, and retreat settings. Kristin is a Licensed Masters Social Worker experienced in couples, child & family, substance abuse, and crisis counseling. They enjoy traveling and the outdoors together.