“Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
1 Corinthians 13:7

We are ecstatic that our book was released by Baker Books in May of 2024! How to Build a Thriving Marriage as You Care for Children with Disabilities will help married couples strengthen their relationship in the midst of caregiving for their child with chronic illness or disabilities.
The Impact Parenting Children With Disabilities Has on a Marriage
Professionals don’t agree on the exact increase in risk for separation or divorce. But let’s debunk the myth. There is not an 80% divorce rate. That statistic is false. Your marriage is not doomed.
The research does agree that these marriages are still greatly impacted. These couples all have one thing in common—their relationships weather additional stressors that are unique to couples parenting children with special needs and disabilities. It is no doubt that these stressors do impact the marriage relationship. Yet, many couples report that their marriages come out even stronger than before.
We teach the additional marriage skills needed in order for your marriage to thrive.
If you are interested in the professional studies we are referencing, we have listed them below.
Our Marriage Journey
Over the last twenty-three years, we’ve lived through every vow except, thank goodness, “Till death do us part.”
We’ve enjoyed wonderful times of health, even setting out on adventurous wilderness trips, running half-marathons, and racing in triathlons together.
But sickness, lots of serious and critical illnesses, have often plagued our entire family.
Since we’ve been married, we’ve lost six close family members, including Todd’s mom to ALS and sister to a brain tumor. We sat through three of these funerals within just six months. We’ve experienced good times and joyful seasons together, but we’ve also walked through several long, dark, and frightening times together.
When we were expecting our second child, the pregnancy quickly turned into a nightmare rollercoaster. We received a devastating diagnosis.
Our daughter had developed a severe chromosomal deletion called Cri du Chat Syndrome.
Then, through an emergency delivery, the miracle of our daughter, Bethany Grace, taking her first breath of life astounded everyone, including the doctors. After three intense months in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), rounds of surgeries, and watching our daughter code and revive, we brought her home to care for her around the clock with our bedroom looking like a makeshift NICU.
The next three years would attempt to destroy our marriage.
Caring for our very sick daughter with significant medical and developmental needs proved more than any couple should ever have to experience. Though we came very close to allowing the intense stress and grief to tear us apart, we held on through the storms and have grown closer together than ever before.
We’ve never been rich and probably never will be. Todd’s resourcefulness gives new meaning to rubbing two pennies together to make a dime.
We’re very grateful that God has always provided all that our family needs.
And on days like today, when we are all at home together and not in the hospital, we have all we need in life. We are blessed, so very blessed.
In this season of feeling like we can breathe, we’re hoping to be able to bless other couples who are going through those rough and stormy times. Through our writing and speaking, we want to empower you and provide you with the tools and resources to navigate together this unfamiliar, challenging, and perhaps, scary time.
Blessings on your marriage,
Todd and Kristin

The Scripture reference is from the New International Version.
Marie Brien-Bérard and Catherine des Rivières-Pigeon, “Coping Strategies and the Marital Relationship Among Parents Raising Children with ASD” Journal of Child and Family Studies 32 (March 2023): 908-25, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-022-02332-y.
Brian H. Freedman, Luther G. Kalb, Benjamin Zablotsky, and Elizabeth A. Stuart,”Relationship Status Among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Population-Based Study,” Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42 (April 2012): 539-48, doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-011-1269-y.
Sigan L Hartley, Erin T Barker, Marsha M Seltzer, Frank Floyd, Jan Greenberg, Gael Orsmond, and Daniel Bolt, “The Relative Risk and Timing of Divorce in Families of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder,” Journal of Family Psychology 24, no. 4 (August 2010): 449-57, doi:https://doi.org/10.1037/a0019847.
Sigan L Hartley, Lauren M Papp, Iulia Bussanich, Paige M Mihaila, Greta Goetz, and Emily J Hickey, “Couple Conflict in Parents of Children With Versus Without Autism: Self-Reported and Observed Findings,” Journal of Child and Family Studies 26, no. 8 (August 2017): 2152-65, doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-017-0737-1.
Jake Johnson and Fred P Piercy, “Exploring Partner Intimacy Among Couples Raising Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Grounded Theory Investigation,” Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 43, no. 4 (October 2017): 644-61, https://doi.org/10.1111/jmft.12247.
Julie L Ramisch, Esther Onaga, and Su Min Oh, “Keeping a Sound Marriage: How Couples with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Maintain Their Marriages,” Journal of Child and Family Studies 23 (August 2014): 975-88, doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-013-9753-y.
Don Risdal and George H Singer, “Marital Adjustment in Parents of Children with Disabilities: A Historical Review and Meta-Analysis,” Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 29, no. 2 (2004): 95-103, https://doi.org/10.2511/rpsd.29.2.95.
Angela Sim, Sofi Fristedt, Reinie Cordier, Sharmila Vaz, Rebecca Kuzminski, and Torbjorn Falkmer, “Viewpoints on What is Important to Maintain Relationship Satisfaction in Couples Raising a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder,” Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 65 (September 2019): 1-13, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2019.04.008.
Shailender Swaminathan, Greg R Alexander, and Sheree Boulet, “Delivering a Very Low Birth Weight Infant and the Subsequent Risk of Divorce or Separation,” Maternal and Child Health Journal 10 (November 2006): 473-79, doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-006-0146-3.