Cleansing Breaths
As disability and medical parents, we often do not breath correctly because we are regularly stressed. This keeps our bodies’ stress response system activated. Our heart rate and blood pressure stay higher, we inhale less oxygen, and we dispel less carbon monoxide. This keeps the stress cycle going. When we stop to practice correct breathing and take cleansing breaths, we can begin to build the habit of taking deep breaths throughout the day, especially in more stressful situations. Our anxiety will begin to lower.
Take a minute to stop and just breathe.
Stop. Stand or sit still in a comfortable position but with good posture.
Slowly inhale through your nose for 3 seconds. Feel your lungs inflate.
Hold for 3 seconds.
Then purse your lips and gently exhale through your mouth like you’re breathing through a straw or blowing bubbles for 3 seconds.
Wait for 3 seconds.
Then repeat the cleansing breath.
Stop and practice taking deep breathing two more times throughout today and begin to create the habit of slowing down to breathe.

Dr. Todd and Kristin Evans are celebrating 22 years of marriage. They are award-winning authors, speakers, and parents of two children with complex needs. Their new book, How to Build a Thriving Marriage as You Care for Children with Disabilities will release in May 2024 by Baker Books. They both earned their MA in Christian Educational Ministries at Wheaton College in Illinois and have served together in full-time ministry in church, camping, and retreat settings. Todd received his PhD from Vanderbilt University’s School of Engineering and currently manages his own business, and Kristin earned her MSW from the University of Tennessee and is a Licensed Master Social Worker experienced in couples, child and family, substance abuse, and crisis counseling.