Stepping Outside
Our brains and bodies need a break. We aren’t designed to keep working under chronic stress without allowing our minds and bodies a chance to recover, even if just for a little bit. Living mindfully in the present moment throughout our day is one way to help reduce our stress. But we also have to remove ourselves from the situation causing the stress. Stepping outside even for just 5 minutes can help calm your stress response system.
It may be very difficult for you to step outside the house if you care for your child all day. If that’s the case, consider putting them in their bed with a toy or tablet and take the baby monitor outside so you can see and hear them. Or wait until they are taking a nap. Put down the chore you need to do, and walk outside. Or, if the only way you can go outside is to take your child out with you, that’s okay too.
Once outside:
- Take a slow, deep cleansing breath. Slowly inhale through your noise and exhale through your mouth like you are gently blowing through a straw. Do this one more time.
- Close your eyes (if you can) and notice your surroundings. What do you hear? Smell? Feel on your skin?
- Open your eyes and look around. What all do you see?
- Become aware of God’s presence all around you. Breathe in His peace.
- Notice how you are feeling in your body.
- Label any emotions you are feeling.
- Oberserve your surrounds again.
- Take two more deep, cleansing breaths
- Smile.
- Go back in and be fully present caring for your child.

Dr. Todd and Kristin Evans are celebrating 22 years of marriage. They are award-winning authors, speakers, and parents of two children with complex needs. Their new book, How to Build a Thriving Marriage as You Care for Children with Disabilities will release in May 2024 by Baker Books. They both earned their MA in Christian Educational Ministries at Wheaton College in Illinois and have served together in full-time ministry in church, camping, and retreat settings. Todd received his PhD from Vanderbilt University’s School of Engineering and currently manages his own business, and Kristin earned her MSW from the University of Tennessee and is a Licensed Master Social Worker experienced in couples, child and family, substance abuse, and crisis counseling.