Preparing for the holidays can stir up our tendencies to strive for perfection and getting everything done just right. When we inevitably can’t do it all perfectly, we begin to tell ourselves negative thoughts and feel guilt and shame.
Accepting that perfection is impossible and extending yourself some self-compassion can help improve your mood and lower your anxiety. You also can enjoy the holidays much more! Try this quick and easy practice to be kind to yourself and lower your stress levels.
- Stand in front of a mirror or look at yourself on your camera phone
- Take a slow, deep cleansing breath
- Say to yourself out loud, “I am doing the best that I can. I am enough.”
- Receive and accept your statement to yourself.
- Smile at yourself.
- Go back to being fully present in your day.

Dr. Todd and Kristin Evans are celebrating 22 years of marriage. They are award-winning authors, speakers, and parents of two children with complex needs. Their new book, How to Build a Thriving Marriage as You Care for Children with Disabilities will release in May 2024 by Baker Books. They both earned their MA in Christian Educational Ministries at Wheaton College in Illinois and have served together in full-time ministry in church, camping, and retreat settings. Todd received his PhD from Vanderbilt University’s School of Engineering and currently manages his own business, and Kristin earned her MSW from the University of Tennessee and is a Licensed Master Social Worker experienced in couples, child and family, substance abuse, and crisis counseling.
What helpful, practical advice! Keep them coming.
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