Discovering Our Best Selves
How can we spend time alone with God during our stressful caregiving days? In my previous article, I introduced the idea that we can nurture our spiritual growth, physical health, mental health, and interpersonal relationships through small moments. Yes, it can feel daunting to invest time in the midst of our exhausting responsibilities. But becoming our best selves doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it can be simple. Today we will explore how to grow deeper in intimate faith with God and gain new perspective.

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Growing in Intimate Faith
Once we begin to nurture our relationship with God in deeper ways, every area of our lives will become more meaningful and healthier. God is the center of every area of our lives. There are some simple ways that we can experience His presence and help in the midst of our busy day.

I believe that these four practices will begin to help us experience more peace, joy, and renewed strength.
These are simple practices that we can do throughout the day.
1. Singing
“Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts” (Colossians 3:16). We can praise God as we go throughout the day by singing along with our favorite worship songs.
2. Praising through the Psalms
We can choose a chapter in the book of Psalms and praise God by reading the verses quietly or out loud in an act of worship.

“I will praise you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer” (Psalm 63:4).
Here are just a couple of passages that declare praise and thanksgiving to God: Psalm 63:1-11, Psalm 95:1-7, Psalm 92:1-5, Psalm 100:1-5, Psalm 103:1-6.
3. Reading Prayers
Sometimes it’s difficult to know how to pray. Having prayers written by someone else in a devotional might help us feel more comfortable going to God.

Here’s one of the prayers that I’ve written especially for special needs moms.
His Strength in Our Exhaustion
“Jesus, I’m exhausted. I need a break. I’m emotionally and mentally depleted. But you never grow tired or weary. You promise that if I trust in you, you will give me your renewed strength. I trust you, Lord. I’m depending on you. I’m going to find my hope and joy in you. So often I keep trying to go on without you. I can’t do this without you anymore. With open arms, I receive your brand-new strength—your supernatural and powerful help. Thank you, Jesus, for being here with me. Amen.”
Based on Isaiah 40:29-31, Psalm 59:9,16

Get all 7 prayers to have on your phone.
4. Praying While Working

“But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God’s presence. Let them be filled with joy” (Psalm 68:3).
As we go about our tasks, we can say short prayers to God. It’s important to also listen and be aware of God’s presence as we work, do housework, drive, or care for our children.
Learn more about Presence Prayer
I have three more simple practices that can help nurture your faith throughout the day: One Verse, Breath Prayer, and Release and Receive.
Gaining New Perspective
Our days can be intense and sometimes emotionally painful. It can be difficult to step back and look at our circumstances from a new perspective. The events can be serious and emotions so strong that it can feel like there’s not another way to look at our situations. But there are simple ways that we can cultivate joy in the midst of our heartache, nurture acceptance, practice gratitude, and live in the moment.

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.
Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2).
5. Practicing Gratitude
We can thank God for three things for which you are grateful today. It can be small or significant blessings. We can write these down as a prayer of thanksgiving. If you like, you could start a journal or make a poster to hang on the wall.
6. Accepting and Embracing
Even if it’s unpleasant or painful, it’s healthy to allow ourselves to feel our emotions without trying to distract ourselves. When a thought comes up that we want to push away, let’s welcome it, name it, embrace it, then simply go back to what we were doing.
7. Cultivating Joy
What’s something that brings you joy or that you used to enjoy? I encourage you to do this today for just a couple of minutes–whether it’s a hobby, singing, cooking, sewing, reading, or listening to music, to name just a few.
8. Living in the Moment
As we go throughout our day, let’s fully dive into what we’re doing, making an intentional effort to focus on doing one thing at a time. This is fully participating in the moment.
In my next post, we will learn ways to invest in our mental and physical health and nurture healthy relationships. Make sure you don’t miss my new articles and FREE Resources.
What helps you grow closer to God and gain new perspective?
Share your ideas in the comments.
8 Ways Caregivers Can Experience Intimate Faith and New Perspective Share on XAll Scripture references are from the New Living Translation

Kristin Faith Evans, MA, MS, LMSW
Kristin is an author, a speaker, a mental health therapist, and a special needs mom. Her greatest passion is walking with others on their journey to deeper faith and emotional healing. As a Licensed Masters Social Worker and with her Masters in Christian Education, she has served in youth, camping, and retreat ministries and is experienced in Christian counseling, couples and family therapy, substance abuse treatment, and crisis counseling. Kristin lives with her husband, Todd, and their two children in the Nashville, TN area. When she is not enjoying life with her family, writing or working with clients, you can find Kristin training for triathlons, reading, or simply being out in nature. Visit her author website at
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