Whether we educate our children by homeschooling, sending them to public school, or enrolling them in private school, we care about the educational opportunities they receive more than anyone else. We invest ourselves and work hard to ensure they are receiving the best experience possible. Worry and anxiety may accompany the stress of this task. We’ve discovered that the best thing we can do for our children is pray for them. We hope these 5 prayers help you pray over your child as they begin a new school year.
1. For Protection and Safety
We’re going to honest–Beth returning to school terrifies us. Scenes run through our minds of her tripping and falling, going into a medical emergency, or becoming scared. And let’s face reality–though rare, physical abuse and emotional and psychological trauma do sometimes happen to children with disabilities.
And what’s really painful for us–Beth wouldn’t be able to communicate to us what happened. What do you worry about?

“The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” (Psalm 121:7-8).
Though we might feel helpless to protect our children, we can pray to our Protector to keep our children in His care at all times.
Here’s a simple prayer you can pray:
God, I have fears about my child returning to school, but I know that they are your beloved child. You can keep them safer than I ever can. I ask that you protect them and help them feel secure in your care. I pray against bullying from other children, emotional or psychological trauma, physical accidents, or medical emergencies. Prevent any possibility of physical abuse, and help them feel safe with their teachers and therapists. I entrust my child into your care, Jesus. I believe that you have good plans for their life this school year. In Jesus name, amen.
To also pray over your child each morning:
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26).
2. For Their Teachers and Therapists
A major factor in determining how the year goes are the professionals that work with our children. Beth has had some incredible special education teachers and therapists! She’s grown and learned more than we could have hoped over those school years. There have been a couple of times though, that we felt the teachers just did not invest in her education the way we would expect. There have also been times that she and her teacher have engaged in a battle of wills.
We can pray that the Lord will match our child with a good fit for their needs and personality.

Here’s a simple prayer:
Lord Jesus, I pray that you will provide teachers and therapists who will connect with my child and respond appropriately to their educational and behavioral needs. Guide the professionals and give them wisdom for how to best nurture growth and progress. May every adult who comes into contact with my child be caring and knowledgeable. Help them to care and invest in the educational needs and goals identified on my child’s IEP. In Jesus name, amen.
3. To Make Friends
Across the full spectrum of special needs and disabilities, our children may struggle with social interactions and making friends. For various reasons, our children may feel lonely, bullied, or unliked.
We’re not going to pretend that going to the school and watching the other typically-developing children isn’t painful. But we’ve been fortunate over the years, that several children have taken an interest in Beth and enjoyed playing, helping, and talking with her. But now that Beth is entering 9th grade, we fear that the other children may ignore her or even make fun of her.

Enjoying positive interactions with other peers is critical for our children’s development and happiness.
Pray this prayer:
Jesus, help my child to make good friends this year. May the other children be kind and interested in talking with my child. Help my child know that you are with them and that they are never alone. Teach them to know their worth regardless of what other people may think of them or tell them. Surround them with other children who love you that will come beside and befriend them. In Jesus name, amen.
4. To Reach Their Full Potential
Many times, professionals have not seen Beth’s potential because her expressive language is far limited compared to her receptive understanding. They often see her severe diagnosis and assume they know the highest levels she will reach. But she’s capable of achieving far beyond their expectations. We go into IEP meetings prepared to advocate for her needs. Have you ever felt this way about your child?
Only God fully knows the heights our children can reach.

Prayer this prayer:
God, please work through my child’s teachers and therapists, giving them a vision for who you created my child to be. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my child’s body, knitting them together in the womb. Thank you for making them so wonderfully complex! (Psalm 139:13-14). You have a purpose and a plan for their life to spread your truth and love. Give them the support they need this year in order to achieve their full potential. In Jesus name, amen.
5. To Experience Fun and Joy
Beth’s greatest joy is making other people laugh and smile. She also loves learning and feeling pride when she does a good job or achieves something new. When given the space, she finds every moment of her days at school fun and exciting. What’s your child’s greatest joy?

May God show you the way of life, giving you joy in His presence and the pleasures of living with Him forever (Psalm 16:11).
Say this prayer:
Lord Jesus, you know my child’s personality and how they most experience joy and fun. May they enjoy school and look forward to going each day. Help them to laugh and make others laugh and smile. Bless their year with fun moments each day. Shine your light and love through their joy. In Jesus name, amen.
What prayer do you have as your child begins a new school year?
Please share your prayer requests in the comments section below.
Blessings on your child’s new school year!
Todd & Kristin
Use these tips to help your child prepare to transition back to school.

Learn healthy ways to process your mixed emotions.

Dr. Todd and Kristin Evans are celebrating 22 years of marriage. They are award-winning authors, speakers, and special needs parents. Their new book, How to Build a Thriving Marriage as You Care for Children with Disabilities will release in May 2024 by Baker Books. They both earned their MA in Christian Educational Ministries at Wheaton College in Illinois and have served together in full-time ministry in church, camping, and retreat settings. Todd received his PhD from Vanderbilt University’s School of Engineering and currently manages his own business, and Kristin earned her MSW from the University of Tennessee and is a Licensed Master Social Worker experienced in couples, child and family, substance abuse, and crisis counseling. They enjoy traveling and the outdoors together.
Wonderful blog post and wonderful prayers for parents of children with disabilities.
Thank you for reading and for your support!
Love, love, love this, Kristen! Perfect for grandparents to pray for tgeir grands, too!
Oh, thank you Cathy! Yes, great point-grandparents too!
These prayers are very helpful, powerful and positive! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for reading and for your kind feedback!